V sodelovanju z Evropskim ženskim združenjem (https://europeanwomenalliance.eu/) pripravljamo interaktivno e-delavnico. Z nami bo predsednica združenja Yulia Stark – podjetnica in mednarodna govornica!
HEART SALES by Yulia Stark,
Serial entrepreneur and an international Public Speaker. During this interactive e-workshop we will dive into a proven system of Authentic Sales Strategy, that serves both parties in collaboration and leads to more ethical business deals.The following content will be practically explained and trained using examples of real businesses:
Understanding your customer: Mind Mapping
Communication Methodes of your target audience
Sales= strategic psychology
Preparation for the sales (e)meeting
Mapping out Current situation
Understanding their Real Challenges
Wanted outcome for the customer
Worst case scenario if nothing changes
Solution= YOU?!
Več o predavateljici si lahko preberete na https://www.yuliastark.com/
Za VSE: Obvezna predhodna prijava na dogodek
Število mest je omejeno.
KDAJ: sreda, 9. september 2020, ob 17.00 uri
KJE: ONLINE – ZOOM – ob potrditvi prijave boste prejeli povabilo za dostop
Za več informacij: info@inkubatorsr.si.
European Women Association
The European Women Association (EWA) Ecosystem understands the need for strategic engagement to support gender equality and further support the economic independence of women and men. The objectives of the EWA Ecosystem are to develop an entrepreneurship community of practice, provide access to funding, mentoring and networking by engaging the key stakeholders actively supporting (women) entrepreneurs, through face-to-face exchanges and online connections.
Website Link: https://www.europeanwomenassociation.com/
Aktivnosti Inkubatorja Savinjske regije d.o.o. v okviru operacije SIO-ISR:2020-2022 sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa za izvajanje Evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014-2020, prednostne osi: 3 Dinamično in konkurenčno podjetništvo za zeleno gospodarsko rast.