Inštitut za podjetniški razvoj v Indiji razpisuje mednarodni program usposabljanja ne temo: Razvoj grozdov (Cluster development executives).
Cilj programa je usposabljanje udeležencev iz različnih držav na različnih vidikih razvoja grozdov MSP, da bodo lahko znatno prispevali k razvoju grozdov MSP v svojih državah in s tem olajšali lokalni gospodarski razvoj.
Za več informacij si preberite informacije spodaj (v angleščini) in se prijavite na priloženi povezavi.
We are delighted to announce the International Training Programme on “Cluster Development Executives (CDEs)” scheduled during 6 January- 14th February 2020. This training programme will be conducted by the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), a premier International Institute focusing on education, research and training on Entrepreneurship and Small & Medium Enterprises (SME) Cluster Development. The objective of this programme is to train participants from various countries on different facets of SME cluster development so that they can significantly contribute in the development of SME clusters in their respective countries and thus facilitate local economic development (LED).
This 6 weeks international training programmes (comprising 5 weeks of Classroom inputs & 1 week of Study Tour) is completely sponsored (fellowship) by the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Division of the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India targeting participants from 162 countries located in Asia, East Europe, Central Asia, Africa & Latin America.
The fellowship will cover the following;
· Tuition Fee
· Air-Conditioned accommodation on single-occupancy basis
· Living Allowance (Food Expenses + Out-of-Pocket Allowance)
· Book Allowance (in the form of Course Material, Cases, CDs, etc.)
· Air Travel (Economy class) to Ahmedabad, India from your country and back by the shortest route
Interested persons will have to fill up their application ‘on-line’. Please fill up your application on the following link;